CHS Fencing
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Columbia High School Fencing

For the 2006-2007 and 2007-2008 fencing seasons, it was my privilege to hang out with the fencers and coaches from Coluumbia High School's fencing team.

My task was to send out press releases on how the team was doing. Not a hard task, considering the record the boys and girls teams had.

The person who preceded me as the PR honcho, another NYT editor whose son was graduating, told me the easiest thing to do was write the releases like news stories and the local papers would run them. All I had to do, he said, was to learn to read the scoresheets, talk with the coaches and periodically attend meets to see what went on.

My thanks to the kids and coaches for tolerating me the past two years and for their help in teaching me about this wonderful sport.

Any mistakes are purely my own.

Steven Brier

